Improving every cash center
The new BPS® Mevo® series, in the proven variants BPS® M3, BPS® M5, and BPS® M7, is a step towards greater efficiency, sustainability, safety, reliability, and ease of use. On the outside, the BPS® Mevo® can be recognized by its design facelift, but it is on the inside that its strengths really come to the fore. Thanks to new software, the well-proven machines perform better than ever before. Benefit from all the advantages offered by the new generation of banknote processing machines from G+D.
Superior banknote classification
by highly intelligent SensorFusion® algorithms and high-resolution (30x higher) Ultraviolet (UV) feature detection: Enabled by SensorBrain® – a high-power computing system – SensorFusion® is a cutting-edge technology that yields superior banknote classification results through intelligent sensor algorithms. The SensorFusion® algorithms simultaneously evaluate a range of banknote properties, enabling a more accurate classification of banknotes, translating into fewer rejects and false fits or unfits. Through the fusion of different measurement technologies such as ultrasound, magnetism, UV, and optical images, SensorFusion® offers a comprehensive and advanced approach to banknote classification. In the end, the customer value-add lies in a reduced amount of manual rework and less false shredding or less false redistribution of fit banknotes.
In addition, enjoy high-resolution (HR) UV detection with a 30 times greater resolution and discrimination of the UV colors used. This enables the full usage of banknote UV features for enhanced authentication and fitness sorting. The customer value-add lies in UV measurement in HR as a secure and efficient authentication method by solid verification of all UV features. In the end, this translates into fewer false rejects due to UV characteristics and therefore again into less manual rework of banknotes.
Easy-to-use interface
by a state-of-the-art user interface designed for advanced system operations: Streamline your machine operations with the new, easy-to-use, modern software user interface. Experience better and more intuitive operator guidance, resulting in less required machine training, increased productivity, and faster and more convenient service.
Additional IT security
by integrated firewall and highly secure data transmission: The platform offers an integrated Windows firewall within the Mevo® Software to protect the machine against unauthorized access such as cyberattacks. In addition, SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) enables secure and encrypted transmission of data, such as electronic reports, between the BPS® and the customer server.
Future-proof innovation platform
as all future innovations are based on the Mevo® Software: Enjoy easy support and effortless integration of upcoming software features and hardware novelties. The modular software architecture enables faster and more convenient release and adaptation updates, patches, and hotfixes. This leads to a more satisfying user experience while maintaining the BPS® Mevo® Software.
NEW NotaTray Filling®
Free up operator capacity
with the Large Reject Stacker functionality, stacking reject banknotes into a NotaTray® (up to 8x higher capacity): Minimize the frequency for manual handling with our Large Reject Stacker functionality, which enables up to 8 times less operator intervention at the machine by increasing the stacker capacity for reject banknotes. All reject banknotes are automatically filled into a NotaTray®, allowing more banknotes to be stacked compared with the classical reject pocket (250 versus 2,000 rejects).
Lean and green processing
by fit and unfit stacking functionality of loose processed banknotes into a NotaTray®: Save banderole lengths of up to 20x the height of Mount Everest with NotaTray® Filling – per year and BPS® machine. The NotaTray® Filling module stacks loose fit or unfit banknotes into a NotaTray®, eliminating the need to strap. Moreover, banknotes no longer need to be bundled and shrink-wrapped with single-use plastic. This is catering to more sustainable cash processing.
As for many customer use cases loose banknotes are preferred, redundant process steps such as packaging and unpacking before redistributing or reprocessing banknotes can be eliminated, saving customers time and money.
Proven modularity
BPS® Mevo®: flexible, customizable, future-proof
Flexibility for every need: The BPS® Mevo® fulfills almost any individual requirement in terms of security, efficiency, digital connectivity, and automation.
From BPS® M3 to BPS® M5 and BPS® M7 – from central to commercial banks, cash-in-transit companies, or casino count rooms. Its modularity makes it especially customer-friendly, as any system can easily be configured and even later on be upgraded to any customer needs.
The start-to-finish service portfolio
Efficient and reliable cash-handling processes are the be-all and end-all for any expert in the cash cycle. That’s why we rely on our from-start-to-finish service portfolio to ensure optimal performance at every given time. By keeping customers’ technology up to date, we minimize possible downtime and defuse potential problems in advance. Our premium support, with over 1,400 service experts worldwide, ensures optimal solutions in every phase of the product life cycle.
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BPS Mevo
Get an overview of the value propositions and customer benefits.
BPS Mevo
BPS Mevo
BPS Mevo
BPS Mevo
Configuration with additional NotaTray Loading & NEW NotaTray Filling.
BPS Mevo
Example configuration for the commercial sector including NotaTray Loading & NotaTray Filling.
BPS Mevo
Example configuration for central banks including NotaTray Loading & NotaTray Filling and the NotaPack10 packaging solution.
BPS Mevo
Operator station of the BPS Mevo.