The Benefits of a Full-Stack IoT Solution

This whitepaper takes a deep dive into the dynamic landscape of IoT connectivity, inspired by insights from a Kaleido Intelligence survey involving 800 enterprises. With the number of connected devices worldwide is set to reach 34 billion by 2028, enterprises encounter a significant challenge in expanding at scale. In response, providers must navigate a number of intricacies to enable robust connectivity. 

Analyzing market demands, this paper advocates for comprehensive, secure, and managed IoT connectivity. One way providers are able to offer that is through ownership of the entire connectivity stack. G+D does just that, emerging as a key player and consolidating diverse IoT services and solutions for seamless integration—a distinctive advantage amid market fragmentation. 

Explore the different layers of the connectivity stack and their transformative potential, accompanied by a compelling use case illustration. Gain actionable insights to harness IoT's transformative power, paving the way for innovative and resilient solutions. 

Download Mastering the IoT Connectivity Puzzle to learn more about:

  • The different layers of the connectivity stack 
  • Cellular IoT Ready-to-go: G+D’s unique value added offer 
  • How IoT Suite removes the obstacles associated with monitoring devices and connectivity services 
  • How G+D provides managed connectivity services for Scania  
Download Whitepaper Now