Insights into the coming convergence of physical and digital consumer lifestyles

Over time, banks have improved customer satisfaction, simplified customer journeys, and increased the range of services they offer. The next stage for banks is to make the borders between the real and virtual truly invisible – setting the stage for the next evolution of digital services.

Cards that exist in both physical and digital form. Interactions that take place across channels without losing momentum. Transactions where payment requires no physical action. And authentication achieved by a glance at a camera or touch of a thumb. Apple recognizes you by your face, Amazon Stores by a palm vein, Mercedes by voice profile. These are all excellent examples of what it means to build a truly phygital customer journey. But to maximize the opportunity, banks must go further – and foresee their customers’ needs ahead of time.

Have a look at our insight paper that aggregates different views on the ongoing and coming convergence of physical and digital consumer lifestyles in the payments world.

  • State of the art: the phygital story today
  • Success in phygital: enabling the crossover
  • The Phygital future: towards the metaverse


Download the article to learn more about a solution that benefits the whole payments ecosystem.

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